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Anti-Vaccine to Climate Change Denial?

COP26 or UN Climate Change Conference summit, was held, that caused a spiral of "claims" and incorrect information in the online world. Conspirational groups have become abundant ever since the start of the pandemic. These groups started their pandemic conspiracies and are now targeting the topic of climate change, negatively affecting the perspectives of a large number of people.

Anti-vaxxers protest in Massachusetts

Anti-vaxxers protest in Massachusetts

Climate change denial, as the professionals call it, is doubling their supporters through their online group called "White Rose" and by posting posters in public with their statements about climate change. "White Rose", a group that has various claims about climate change and Covid that misleads people, here are some climate change claims from them:

  • The earth's temperature fluctuation is a natural part of its cycle.

  • "Grand Solar Minimum" will Lead to Natural Fall in Temperatures Without Human Intervention

  • Global Warming is a Positive Phenomenon

  • Decrease in the Use of Fossil Fuel will Increase Cost of Living

  • Renewable Energy is not

These are their claims that are currently alarming professionals as this influences the logical thinking of people regarding climate change. Through this, climate change denial will increase.


My Response

This is truly alarming as the issue of climate change is worsening every passing year. With the increasing influence of the group "White Rose" amongst people, the number of climate change deniers will surely rise in no time. This issue has to be solved and be immediately handled as this can intensify, which can result in a higher number of climate change denials, which will further affect the environment and civilization.

Usage of fossil fuel will continuously worsen the ozone layer's condition


Action has to be taken immediately by the authorities. With the advanced technology we have today, taking down online groups like that can be managed. But considering how easy it is for these groups to prevent being taken down, online control and moderating of this content will be a challenge. With the internet being a puzzle, this is not going to be an easy fight. Online content regarding climate change must also be prioritized. To post content, facts, and just to disseminate what is really happening, this can decrease the possibility of the group's influence. With this kind of content coming from different, credible sources, people will not only be aware, but they will know what is true and what is a fake claim.

A 2021 Poll Infographic of Energy Police Institute at the University of Chicago


Simple infographics like this can be a big thing, especially in informing people what the real facts are about climate change. Some short videos, in particular animations, can also help in capturing the audience's attention. Not only this, but educating children or students at any level will be a big thing in fighting not only climate change deniers, but climate change itself. It is important to remember how vital the role of youth is in the current life we are living in. Children and youth can change the course of the Earth and turn it into something better. Educating young people regarding the issue can slowly eradicate the misleading information being disseminated that is based on pseudoscience.


The birth of climate change denial is an alarming thing. Despite the experiences we have right now and the natural disasters that we are faced with, it is shocking how people cannot face the reality of the environmental situation that we, as humans, created. So it is important to get educated and to educate others. According to Devlin & Schraer, if climate change is not acted upon by 2050, 18% of the global economy will shrink due to the damage to natural resources. Act on it now, educate, get educated, and advocate for the betterment of the climate and the future.



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