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5 Facts About the Me

Here are 5 facts about me:

Let's start with something light and uninteresting

1. I sing and dance

I started singing and dancing ever since I was 5 years old, and I can confidently say that I was pretty decent at it, even at such a young age. I still remember how I always sang "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion every time I was asked by the elders to sing, the typical Filipino household. I even dreamt of becoming a performer, as I really enjoy performing. I would always tell my parents that I wanted to become a singer. My father told me that I would tell him that I would be mad at him forever if I did not become a performer, what a naive yet passionate child.

(An audio of me singing "Butterfly Fly Away" by Miley Cyrus ft. Billy Ray Cyrus)

But I love dancing way more than singing. Even with people loving my voice, I still choose dancing as something for me to keep learning and as something I could do forever, even as a job. Dancing in front of an audience gives me so much confidence and excitement. I have choreographed a lot of dances in the past, starting in junior high and up until my senior year of high school. Thanks to my senior high school friends, I got to choreograph the dance for the beauty pageant for LPU senior high school students in the year 2019. Unfortunately, I do not have any videos of me dancing, so I will just offer you my favorite dancer/choreographer!

  • Bada Lee

2. That I Almost Shifted from MMA (Multimedia Arts) to Environmental Science

Aside from loving art, the environment and animals are my other comfort and passion. Despite my lack of knowledge, my naive 16-year-old self has always been drawn to the subject of animals, and I get emotional when I see them being mistreated.This love then turned into appreciation for the environment. I learned how these two are interlinked with one another and how important their co-existence is. As I grew older, I further ascertained how other social issues, specifically political and economic issues, are related to each other.

Louisiana Bayou (

Cheetah (

When the second semester of my first year of college came, that is when the urge to change courses was the strongest. It was a difficult decision for me, and the environmental issues I've read online have only exacerbated my feelings. But with enough thinking and reflecting, I chose to just stay as a Multimedia Arts student. I definitely have no regrets. Joining an environmental organization put peace in my mind, and I can say that I am happy where I am right now.


3. Christmas Song/Carol is a No-No For Me

Yeah, I sound awful. There is no denying how bad this sounds, but I just could not get into liking Christmas songs. I do not get the same feelings with Christmas carols, they feel a little too cheerful for me. I prefer to play jazz or bossa nova during the holiday's season.


Now, time to discuss much interesting facts about me.


4. I have been dreaming of death for 3-4 years

It all started in year 2018 when I started to continuously dream of death. It was a mixture of my own death and the death of other people whom I both know and not. At first, it was terrifying that I would sometimes wake up crying, but then through the constant experience, it just became a normal thing for me. I still remember the first people that I dreamt of in this narrative, it was my parents and that one I will never forget.


Then it started to become more terrifying when I dreamt about my death. I dreamed of dying four times, each time for the same reason: a gunshot. There was an instance when this happened, and then I suddenly woke up feeling so much pain in my stomach. I recall it scaring me as I was shot in my stomach in that dream.


I would also repeatedly dream of other people I was not familiar with. It was this dream of us, four women, which the other three I do not know about, in the same room. I dreamt of this story three times in the course of these years.


5. Interest in Serial Killers & Paranormal Subjects

This one I have been addicted to for years. At such a young age of 16, I have become so fond of topics such as serial killers and paranormal activities, that my father has to talk to me, asking me to stop watching such things. It was still clear in my memory how I have an e-book about serial killers and I have their images saved in my gallery, even making Richard Ramirez, one of my favorite serial killers, as my wallpaper.

Richard Ramirez, The Night Stalker


I know that this is not something so unusual for a person, which is why I never stopped my interest in this. It just lessened when I entered college due to the doubled responsibilities that I had to attend to. But it is still a hobby that I could just not remove and something that I do not plan to. Until now, I still enjoy this activity, and I am thankful to Buzzfeed Unsolved that it provides me with educational content related to this.

Screenshot from the official channel

These are the five facts about me. I hope that you enjoyed reading a fragment of my life.

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